Free-Standing Sculpture

Venusian Gardens Art Gallery (VG) specializes in contemporary sculpture incorporating light, glass, aluminum and other media. While most of the work exhibited is abstract sculpture including floor, wall and suspended works, also on display are modern lighting pieces that engage, neon, LEDs, blown glass and colorful resins offering rich hues rarely found in contemporary lighing. In addition to the artwork and lighting, furniture incorporating neon light and blown glass provide a functional element that sets VG apart from the local art scene.

The senior artist at VG, Eric Ehlenberger, is one of very few sculptors who focuses on the use of neon in his work. He is best known for his neon and blown glass Jellyfish, one of many sculptural series of fanciful flora and fauna of his fantasy Venus that make up his Venusian World sculpture collection. Included in the Venusian World series is a collection of Venusian Gardens in which the garden flora consist of colorful neon tubes erupting from blown glass elements or flowing aroung curvacous aluminum “leaves.”

Ehlenberger works in collaboration with another artist, Charity Poskitt, a talented glass blower responsible for the beautiful blown glass components found in Ehlenberger’s work, With more than 15 years of experience blowing glass, she provides an important element in the production of the artwork at VG.

For a comprehensive web site displaying all of Ehlenberger’s art work, please go to Here one may also search ( for specific information or to view a specific sculpture. Or, download Ehlenberger’s Portfolio.

Venusian Gardens Art Gallery focuses on luminous art including sculpture and art installations by Eric Ehlenberger that incorporate neon light. Ehlenberger is one of very few sculptors who focuses on the use of neon in his work. Along with neon, he works with hand blown glass, glass lenses, aluminum and other metals and a variety of mixed media. While most of the art work is abstract, figurative and representational styles in additon to functional interior lighting are displayed.


Always on rotating display, exotic luminous neon and blown glass Venusian Jellyfish set a magical ambiance for the main gallery space. Known worldwide, the Jellyfish are in constant production at glassLight studio.