luminous vows ceremonies

The ritual of exchanging vows is the spiritual apex of the wedding ceremony. Light has always symbolized spirit and wisdom evolving into enlightenment as illumination overcomes the void of darkness.The concept of incorporating light and luminosity into the ritual as declaring wedding vows can be quite symbolic. Engaging light as part of the ritual joining of two spirits provides a beautiful visual metaphor for the act of marriage.

The details of the luminous rituals need to be tailored to a couples individual desires but we are happy to work closely with the couple to accommodate their wishes. We want our guests’ experiences to be joyful and fun while at the same time uniquely Venusian in character!

The Luminous Ritual of Summation

The ways in which a couple may incorporate light into their ceremonial vows can be as varied as one’s imagination allows, One simple but elegant luminous ritual involves 3 neon tubes. Our artist custom designs individual neon tubes for the bride and groom with each person selecting their own favorite colors. Our artist then makes a third and taller neon tube, incorporating the individual colors chosen by the couple. One luminous ritual engaging these 3 tubes involves the bride and groom inserting their individual tubes into a sculpture base while simultaneously the officiant inserts the third, taller tube into the base, allowing all 3 tubes to light up. The couple then take the completed artwork home with them to illuminate their home for years to come as a reminder of their vows.

The Luminous Ritual of Transition

Another ritual option includes the use of two neon tubes each with wedding rings enclosed within a bubble at the top of a neon tube. The tubes are illuminated throughout the ceremony until the final moment in which the individual’s luminous tubes are extinguished by breaking the tubes and releasing the rings. Subsequently a third neon tube is placed in the base and illuminated, symbolizing the transition of two individuals into a singular joining of spirits. Imagine, wedding rings enclosed within the end of a glowing neon tube illuminating the wedding ceremony, to be released in a ceremonial breakage at the culmination of the wedding vow ritual!